
SW Georgia News

Friday, March 14, 2025

Daily Bulletin - February 4, 2022


Bainbridge High School issued the following announcement on Feb. 4

Attention Students:  Please practice Social Distancing while on campus.  Wearing a Mask is not mandatory, but is highly recommended. New quarantine policies do not require you to be sent home from contact tracing if you are vaccinated or were wearing a mask during the possible exposure.  Please make sure you are doing your part to help everyone stay safe and in school.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. would like to invite you to participate in the Kenneth Newkirk Black History essay contest. Essays should be 1000 words or more and should address how an African-American has been an inspiration in your life and discuss the contributions of the African-American individual who has served to inspire and motivate you. Essays should be typed and contain a cover page to include the student's name, school, age, date and title of essay.  1st place will receive $100, 2nd place $75 and 3rd place $50.

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success.  The ASVAB is a great career exploration tool, and is designed to help young people explore their career options.  If you are unsure about what you want to do after high school, taking the ASVAB could help you decide!  BHS will administer the ASVAB on Wednesday, March 9th.  Juniors and Seniors who wish to sign up may do so by clicking the following link: https://forms.gle/zd6LiZ2Nd8nn3drq8   This link is posted on the BHS Counseling website, which can be located by going to the BHS home page, clicking on "School Info," then "Guidance and Counseling" and scrolling down about halfway down the page.  The last day to sign up is Wednesday, March 2nd.

Seniors who plan to march in Graduation need to order and fully pay for their Cap and Gown by February 28th to ensure you will receive a cap and gown in time for graduation.  Because of material and shipment delays, Herff Jones cannot guarantee the delivery of caps and gowns ordered and paid for after February 28th.  Only students who ordered caps and gowns by the December deadline will receive their caps and gowns on March 23rd and 24th.  If you are just now placing your order, you will be mailed your cap and gown and will not receive it on March 23rd and 24th.   

Seniors:  Senior dues must be paid by March 1st.  You can make the payment through the student portal, which is preferable.  You may also make the payment to Misty Loyd-Davis.

Seniors:  Several local scholarships are available in Guidance.  Come by to pick up your packet and instructions. 

Mrs. Tabb is offering a Lunch & Learn on February 9th for students needing one-on-one guidance to navigate the college application process.  Sign up for Lunch & Learn by clicking on Classwork and looking at the top post in the Senior Google Classroom.

Ladies, we all know that diamonds are a girl’s best friend! Do you love baseball? Are you full of Bearcat Spirit? Then we want you to become a Bearcat Diamond Doll!  Diamond Dolls serve as hosts to our baseball team and facility during all home games. If you are interested please pick up an application from the stage during all 5 lunches. All applications are due back to Mrs. Welch no later than February 10th.  See Mrs. Welch if you have any questions. 

Golden Graffiti is selling Valentine Messages for $1 during all five lunches.  Your message will appear in the Valentine's Day Edition of the Golden Graffiti newspaper on February 11th. 

Chromebook Care:  Students, extreme cold can be just as bad for a chromebook as extreme heat. Do not leave your chromebooks in your cars overnight when it is freezing weather. Please keep all Can Tabs and turn them in to one of the

following locations. For students:  Mrs. Jones’ classroom (6109), Mrs. Cole’s Art classroom (1160), Mr. Sewell/Mr. Parker in the band room or Sgt. Morehouse in JROTC.  For faculty and staff:  Teacher break room on downstairs English hallway, Front Office across from teacher’s copier, or any of the above locations for students.     

Attention Students:  The Media Center is open before school until 7:30 and during lunches.  There is no food or drinks allowed.   

Students, there is now a Charging Station for up to five chromebooks in the Media Center.  If you forget to charge your chromebook at night like you should, you may plug up in the Media Center between 7:15 and 7:40 a.m. or at your lunch.  You are responsible for your chromebook!  Do NOT plug it up and leave it unattended.  See your library staff if you have questions.

Any student who drives to school and parks on campus must purchase a 2021-2022 Parking Decal; at the cost of $15.00.  Payments can now be made through the student portal or Mrs. Davis-Loyd in the front office.  Students ticketed for not having a valid parking decal will be fined $15.00 for the first offense and $30.00 for the second offense.

Certificate of Attendance/Enrollment:  Students requesting Certificate of Attendance/Enrollment MUST sign up online on the BHS website page; go to Quick Links, Certificate of Enrollment to sign up.  Students must sign up by Monday midnight.  Certificates will be available for pick up on Wednesday.  There will be a $1.00 charge for certificates.

Morning Traffic Flow:  All students coming from Bainbridge must enter the campus via the west gate (bus gate); only students entering campus from the east (Climax) should enter via the main gate.  All student drop-offs are in the front of the school and parents dropping off students should enter through the main gate.

Honor parking is the first row nearest the English/Fine Arts wing.  Senior Row is the second row from the English/Fine Arts wing.  Only students with Honors Parking permits are allowed to park on Honors Row, and only seniors are to park on Senior Row.


BILL REYNOLDS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP:   One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually. Applicants must be a graduating senior. Applicants must reside in the United States, and plan to attend a post- secondary college or university in the United States. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of Leadership Abilities, Community Service and Academics. A transcript must be attached in order to be considered. Applications are in guidance. 

DELTA SERVICE AND EDUCATION FOUNDATION OF GADSDEN COUNTY FLORIDA INCORPORATED SCHOLARSHIP:  The DSEF Scholarship is now available. Application must be typed. Please see guidance for an electronic copy.  All applications are to be postmarked and received by March 11, 2022. Mail application and documents to:  Delta Service and Education Foundation, Incorporated Scholarship Committee, C/O Dr. Linda B. Lumpkin, 2021 Ashton Way Bainbridge, Georgia 39819.

DREAMS TO KINGS AND QUEENS:  Tracy Stephens, the founder of the Dreams to Kings and Queens would like to announce that their annual scholarship giveaway is under way.  This scholarship is open to the Class of 2022 high school seniors planning to attend college this Fall. There will be two winners (1 boy, 1 girl). Each winner will receive $1,000.  This scholarship contest will not require any writing, but will require students to use their creativity and make a video answering one of the questions below: (1) What makes you genuinely happy in life? (2) How do you plan on accomplishing your goals? or (3) What are you grateful for?  Students can fill out their scholarship application and upload their video at www.dreamstokingsandqueens.com/scholarship-giveaway. The deadline to apply is April 29, 2022.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email tstephens@dreamstokingsandqueens.com or call (706) 247-5180. 

JAMES D. EUNICE LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP:   The James D. Eunice Legacy Scholarship application is now available in guidance. Applicants must be a graduating High School senior. All applicants must have a minimum high school GPA of 2.50. Applicants must reside in the United States, and be enrolled or intend to enroll in a post-secondary college, technical college or university in the United States.  The deadline for this scholarship is March 15th.  Applications should be mailed to Community Foundation of South Georgia PO Box 2654 Thomasville, GA 31799-2654. 

MARSHALL THURMAN COLLEGE FUND:  TMCF offers three types of unique scholarships that are merit, plus need-based designed to address the financial needs of students attending a TMCF member-school or other accredited college or university (if applicable). The awards process is highly competitive and is given to outstanding and qualified students who plan to earn a baccalaureate, graduate or law degree. The average

award is $3,100 per student per semester. Most scholarships are one year, non-renewable unless otherwise indicated. Awards are given without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, disability or national origin.  http://www.tmcf.org/students-alumni/scholarships/  Deadline: See the website for deadlines; deadlines may change at TMCF’s discretion.

HOPE & ZELL MILLER SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANT INFORMATION:  The HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship have specific requirements.  It is important to know the deadline for completing the FAFSA or the Georgia Student Finance Application (GSFAPP).  Please read over the HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship and Grant information on the Georgia Student Finance website.  https://www.gafutures.org/hope-state-aid-programs/hope-zell-miller-scholarships/hope-scholarship/application-and-deadline/   Deadline is May 17, 2022.  It is not recommended to wait until this date.   

JULIAN AND JAN HESTER SCHOLARSHIP (Local Scholarship Opportunity):  The goal of the Julian and Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship is to assist deserving high school seniors in their first year of college and to promote community banking.  It is named after long-time CBA Chief Executive Officer, the late Julian Hester and his late daughter, Jan Hester.  The application is open to seniors entering a Georgia university, college, or technical school and who will be seeking a degree or certification of two years or more.  Applications are available in the BHS Guidance Office.  Return applications to Mrs. A. Tabb in the guidance office by Wednesday, April 6, 2022 by 3 p.m. if you want her to deliver it to the bank for you.  Deadline is Friday, April 8, 2022 at 4 p.m. to Port City Bank if delivering it yourself.   

PB&J SCHOLARSHIP:  The PB&J Scholarship is for students who have experienced personal challenges that may not have allowed them to perform well academically but who still have the drive to succeed.  With no GPA requirement, students are encouraged to apply as this scholarship is meant to be inclusive.  You must be a high school senior who plans to attend a two- or four-year college in the Summer/Fall of 2022.  Deadline is May 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.  https://scholarapp.com/scholarship/pbj-scholarship 

SALLIE MAE FIRST GENERATION SCHOLARSHIP - THE BRIDGING THE DREAM SCHOLARSHIP:  To help first-time generation, low-income, and minority students access and complete college, Sallie Mae offers first-generation scholarship opportunities.  Included in the scholarship is The Bridging the Dream Scholarship for high school seniors ($10,000).  Deadline is February 28, 2022.  www.salliemae.com/landing/bridging-the-dream

SALLIE MAE FIRST GENERATION – THE COMPLETING THE DREAM SCHOLARSHIP:  An additional Sallie Mae First-Generation Scholarship is the Completing the Dream Scholarship ($2,500).  This is awarded on a rolling basis through August 31, 2022.  Deadline is August 31, 2022.  www.salliemae.com/landing/completing-the-dream

STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS.ORG (Also posted via REMIND):  This is a multiple list of available scholarships.  You must read through to find ones that apply to you and your eligibility and interest area.  Deadlines are between December 17, 2021 to February 28, 2022.  https://studentscholarships.org

ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC, SCHOLARSHIP (Local Scholarship):  Scholarship amount will vary and will be awarded to outstanding graduating high school seniors who have been active in both school and the community, while successfully completing the requirements for graduation.  Applicants must be a graduating senior from a high school located in Gadsden, Liberty or Decatur Counties (in Georgia).  Students must plan to enter college in the Summer/Fall of 2022, possess a GPA of 2.5 or higher, provide a transcript with the application, and complete a typed essay containing 350-500 words.  Applications can be picked up in Guidance.  Deadline is April 8, 2022.

MEDIACOM WORLD CLASS SCHOLARS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM:  Just like most American families, the Mediacom family believes in the importance of higher education.  As a corporation with strong community roots, Mediacom would like to support, in some way, the higher education of our customers.  For this reason, we formed World Class – The Mediacom Scholarship Program to help graduating high school students with their college expenses, such as tuition and books.  The scholarship amount is $1000 and the selection guidelines are as following: academic achievement, leadership abilities, school and/or community involvement and teacher reference.  Completed application materials should be postmarked on or before February 15, 2022 and sent to:  Mediacom World Class Scholarship Program - 3737 Westown Parkway, Suite 2A - West Des Moines, IA 50266.  http://www.mediacomworldclass.com/

CHANDLER GRACE SMITH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP:  The Chandler Grace Smith Memorial Scholarship was founded in partnership with the West Haven non-profit organization whose mission is to provide a safe home for foster children to grow and thrive.  Scholarship applications may be picked up in the guidance office where all local scholarships are posted.  Applications should be returned to Mrs. A. Tabb in the guidance office.  Deadline is April 11, 2022 by 3 p.m.

ABAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS:  ABAC Scholarships are available to students who will be attending ABAC upon graduation. It is not necessary to apply for individual ABAC scholarships separately.  One application applies to all available scholarships offered to ABAC students. For more information and to apply, go to the following link: https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/45KtBWN9xz59Ge0f5R18  Deadline: No later than April 30, 2022

Seniors, do not forget there are several ways to request transcripts.  You can see Mrs. Boyd in Guidance or you can request your transcripts in your GAFutures account on the BHS Guidance and Counseling Website, or by using Common App or Coalition App.  Please do not send Mrs. Tabb an email telling her where to send transcripts.  While some colleges request transcripts for you through an electronic transfer system, not all colleges do so, please be sure to follow up that your transcripts are requested and sent in the appropriate manner.  A reminder about how to send transcripts is posted on your google calendar.  

UNCF SCHOLARSHIPS:  UNCF is the nation’s largest private scholarship provider to minority group members. Each year, they award more than $100 million in scholarships to students attending more than 1,100 schools across the country.  For more information, read the link below.  Deadline varies.

GMC SCHOLARSHIPS:  Read the link attached for scholarship information related to cadet scholarships.  Students in JROTC may be highly interested in these. http://www.gmc.edu/prospective-students/cadetscholars.cms  Deadlines varies, pay close attention to each one.

15 GEORGIA SCHOLARSHIPS FOR COLLEGE BOUND STUDENTS:  Read over the link below for more information about fifteen different scholarships available to Georgia students: https://www.bestcollegereviews.org/scholarships/state/georgia/  Deadline varies, pay close attention to each one.

PLEASE NOTE: Most colleges, universities, and vocational schools offer foundational scholarships that are available to students enrolled in their institutions.  To locate those scholarships, go to the school’s website and/or google the name of the institution along with the words “foundational scholarships” or “scholarships.”


LINE 1:  Chicken & Waffles w/Syrup or Special of the Day, French Fries, Vegetable of the Day, Bananas, Milk

LINE 2&3:  Pizza of the Day, French Fries, Vegetable of the Day, Bananas, Milk 

LINE 4 – Bearcat Express:   CLOSED - Assorted Fruit, Gold Fish Crackers, Sub Buns, Tortilla Wraps, Sliced Turkey, Trio Combo, Sliced Ham, Sliced Cheese, Grated Mozzarella Cheese, Jalapeno Peppers, Dill Pickles, Sliced Tomatoes, Slice Onions, Salsa (Ranchero), Large Salad, Assorted Condiments

NEXT DAY’S BREAKFAST: Twin Sausage Biscuit, French Toast, Diced Peach Cup, Cereal, Cereal Bar & Cheese Stick, Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice, Milk

Original source can be found here.



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